Wednesday, February 22, 2012


"You to former honour I bequeath..." (V.iv.78)

The simply said statement is what sets apart this comedy from a tragedy. Obviously, a tragedy has tragic elements like death, failed romance, hatred, a tragic hero with a fatal flaw, and more death, in the case of Shakespeare. Contrastingly, a comedy like As you Like it  has the happy ending every reader wishes for, characters reconcile, and the play ends in happy marriages. Specifically, I cannot decide if this play is more satirical or romantic. It seems a little satirical in the way that some characters like Touchstone mock love and what stands for. But, more prevalent is romance and love itself. Most of the main characters in the story are discovering love, reassuring their love, and pursuing unrequited love. In saying that, I would conclude this is a Shakespearean romantic comedy, without Adam Sandler

Microsoft went down 3 points.

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