Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My personal connection to D.O.S

"He fought it out here and this is where I'm gonna win it for him." p.1630

Like Happy, my father is also a salesman. Not a traveling salesman, but a small used car lot owner/salesman. Thankfully, my dad is quite sane and is realistic. My father hasn't tried to create my future, like Willy did for his sons, but has supported me. Also, he would definitely not like me to follow in his footsteps. But, what Willy, my dad, and most fathers do or should do is support their sons. While Willy's dreams for his sons were quite unrealistic and far-fetched, he wanted his sons to be great at what they did.

Tragedy in Willy

"The boat. We'll be late. (He moves slowly off into the darkness.)" p.1628

One of the main reasons for the mental state of Willy Loman is his family life. Presently, he doesn't have the greatest relationship with either of his sons. Biff is scarred by the encounter with his father's mistress and learns to break free of his father's illusions. But, one of the horrific themes in Willy's life is abandonement. First, he is abandoned by his father, then Ben. The two male figures of leadership in his life were gone early in his life. In Act 2, Happy denies to the girls that Willy is even his father. Soon after, Willy is in tears and the boys run after the girls and leave their father alone in the restaurant.

Forshadowing of the stockings

"And thanks for the stockings. I love a lot of stockings." p.1564

Minuscule items, like stockings can often play a crucial role in the plot of a story. In something visual, like a play, the stockings might be easier to notice. In reading, it is only until it comes full-circle, does a reader notice a small item. Due to pride, Willy gets offended whenever Linda tries to repair her worn stockings. But, because of his monetary situation, he cannot provide her new stockings. The irony is that Willy is able to afford new stockings for the woman in his memory. It is also forshadowing and ironic that Biff is offended when Willy gives socks to his mistress.