Sunday, July 10, 2011

Reveal of a trait; characterization

"But queer that Alphas and Betas won;t make any more plants grow than those nasty little Gammas and Deltas and Epsilons down there." p. 74

Throughout most stories, characters physical appearances are revealed early in the stories in lengthy and detailed description. But, the true character is usually leaked through a slowly in each chapter and one is revealed right here. Lenina shows that she is real shallow and mean in a way. This quote explains that she thinks and knows she is superior (I know, I know, she really is superior). But, she isn't humble and accepting of Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons; rather, she needs some reasoning and reminder that everyone serves a purpose. This feeling of superiority may lead to some animosity or hatred of those who aren't as great as here. In relation to society, there's definitely people who are rich and powerful who think they don't need the others and have to sometimes be brought back to earth my others.

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