Thursday, October 6, 2011


In reading the 1st stanza, I reasonably thought Edward was a child. The fact he had to explain to his mother why he did something was my first clue. My second thought was that he was killing animals randomly, which seemed childish. When he said he killed his dad I thought he was crazy, frustrated adolescent with some daddy issues. But, when he said he would "let them (his family) beg through life"  and cursed his mother to hell, I realized it was a grown man with real bad issues. I have some theories I want answered, because when I typed "Edward poem" into google poems about Robert Pattinson flooded my screen (ugh). When I heard the name Edward, I immediately associated it with royalty for some reason and my first thought was that this was a true historical tale about a prince killing his father and sailing away. But, usually princes kill their kingly fathers for the throne and Edward says he will sail away in this poem. Maybe this is just a poem about a random psychotic Edward. But, I can empathize with Edward in that he gets a little frustrated in explaining himself to his mother all the time. But, I don't see myself cursing my mother to Hell anytime soon.

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